
Dark clouds and lightning with a sign that reads "Hurricane Season".

Preparing Your Home or Business for Hurricane Season

On the east coast of the United States, Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1-November 30. While we are often spared the full brunt of hurricanes that many states in the lower U.S. face, these powerful storms can still pack a wallop when they hit, Read More

Don’t let heavy snow weigh you down

A snowstorm can bring down trees and powerlines, resulting in hazards and potential outages. With the winter cold quickly setting in, it is crucial to prepare yourself for the dangers wet and heavy snow brings to have peace of mind when the next storm approaches. Read More

Don’t Rely on The Aging Power Grid

The U.S. electric grid is made up of more than just power plants. It is a complex network designed to transport energy over long distances and distribute it to the individual consumer. Not only is the infrastructure in place aging and becoming less reliable, it’s Read More

2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook

An above-normal 2022 Atlantic hurricane season is expected, according to forecasters with NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service. The outlook predicts a 65% chance of an above-normal season, a 25% chance of a near-normal season and only a 10% chance Read More