
Where’s my Generator?

Nationwide, we are experiencing record-level demand for in-home generators.  While this is good news for our industry, it is causing a backlog in inventory – leading to frustration among homeowners and businesses who want to be prepared with a reliable back-up power source as soon Read More

How to prepare for an ice storm

Reality: an ice storm is not “just another winter storm.” First: ice is heavy. A half-inch of ice can add 500lbs to power lines or trees and a full inch means 1,000lbs hanging from everything. Even big trees can’t deal with that amount of weight, and Read More

Stay Safe During Storms and Power Outages

Safety Guidelines Be attentive to severe weather warnings.Leave your home if authorities order an evacuation, especially if your home is in an area that floods easily.In frigid weather, if your power is likely to be out for more than a few days, you may want Read More